
Yahshua Ha'Mashiach

The Book of Esther:
An Interesting Timeline

Revelation 22:7

Sword of the Spirit

Matthew 18:20

Ezekiel 37:15-17

The following is an interesting discovery that I recently made concerning the timing of the Book of Esther, the Passover from the Book of Exodus and Yahshua's actions in the Book of Matthew. I hope that you will find it as intriguing as I do. I have used the Biblical calendar as well as the Hebrew reckoning of time as opposed to the gregorian one currently in use.

The chronology presented from the Book of Esther is determined from Est 3:12; The chronology of the Passover from Ex 12 and for Yahshua it is determined from Mat 26:17 - 28:6.

Also, please bare in mind that there are two upcoming sets of blood moons that occur on the Passover and Sukkot in 2014 and 2015 which are warnings of the coming war in the west - the USA. I believe all of this info is pointing us to proclaim a fast as shown to us in the pattern of the Book of Esther during these two upcoming Passovers. That is why I am sharing this timeline inspite of the fact that I have not finished writing up an article to explain all of this info.

13th Nissan/Abib:

Exo 12:3-6~> the lamb is in the home. Home is in Egypt
Est 3:12 - 4:16~>annihilation decreed; Esther's fast proclaimed; Home is in Shushan
Mat 26:17~> preparations for the Passover Seder in Jerusalem 

14th Nissan/Abib:

Exo 12:6-10~>lamb is killed in the evening, eaten in haste

Est 3:12 - 4:16~>Esther, her maids and the Jews in Shushan are fasting

Mat 26-27~> Seder at evening/start of day; last wine until kingdom; Yahshua's vigil on the Mt. Olives - chosen disciples fall asleep; Judas betrayel; His illegal trial; Peter's denial; crucifixion in the afternoon; etc

15th Nissan/Abib:

Exo 13~>1st day of Unleavened Bread
Est 3:12 - 4:16~>Esther, her maids and the Jews in Shushan are fasting
Mat 27~> Yahshua is in the grave

16th Nissan/Abib:

Exo 13~>2nd day of Unleavened Bread
Est 3:12 - 4:16~>Esther, her maids and the Jews in Shushan are fasting
Mat 27~> Yahshua is in the grave

17th Nissan/Abib:

Exo 12:15-20~>3rd day of Unleavened Bread
Est 5~> Esther's fast ends and she enters king's/husband's court; first banquet of wine
Mat 28~>Earthquake because of arrival of the Angel of the Lord; Yahshua resurrected 

Yahshua the Servant Candle within His Lamps

Yahshua Ha'Mashiach

Old Glory
© Catherine E. Allen, 2012
Revised 4/13/12